Jonathan Wilke on X: Developers, are you using 1️⃣ uuid 2️⃣

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cuid uuid

cuid uuid  A sequence generating bigint values will certainly be faster than even the most efficient CUID or GUID algorithm, and the result will need Writable UID CUID FUID Ultra Thin Disc UID Changeable discs are used to duplicate Mifare Classic 1K 4 Byte access cards and keyfobs

CUID Generator A quick way to generate CUIDs Learn more about CUIDs here Inspired by UUID Generator Categories Developer Tools Source code  UUID in Java) **CUID Libraries:** Libraries like cuid in and cuid in Python provide implementations for CUID generation **Nanoid

Application developers report v4 UUID collisions causing problems in their applications when the ID generation is distributed between lots of machines such that im trying to find magic gen1a cards but i can only find uid and cuid cards are they the same or different? if they are different,

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