Boons and Flaws - Deepwoken Wiki

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deepwoken wiki knowledge

deepwoken wiki knowledge  Upon defeating the Scion, it will drop a large chest at the entrance of his bedchamber containing: Many Kyrsan series weapons 2 Knowledge on first kill, 1 Selling various things to an Antiquarian Turning in an Artifact at a Banker Turning in Knowledge at the Soothsayer Completing

All future uses of this book on the same slot will grant the user +50 Knowledge each time Moonseye Tome Dialogue  Alternatively, if you've fully progressed the Oath in a previous life, 10 Knowledge can be spent to immediately unlock all related Talents Effects Ability

I obtained the forbidden knowledge of Bloodrending Adept Bloodrender - You can now obtain 1-star Bloodrender mantras Obtained at 20 The official fandom wiki for deepwoken, which has pages like Knowledge that do infact list ALL the methods to get knowledge!

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