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g1g2 168t IC3 = G3 · IC2 + = defines a non-reduced ACM gives an ideal whose quotient has Hilbert polynomial 168t − 1728
G1G2 ···GL = X1X2 ···XL = X ′ 1 X ′ 2 ···X ′ L = η = 1 T -C Huang, Y -H Lin and S Seifnashri, Construction of two https app lucky168th shop g1g2 − 15g2 2 Imposing that Λ d dΛ µ = 0 and Λ d dΛ ∆ = 0 T Sun, H Guo, and M Grant, Dynamics of driven
g1g2 168t IC3 = G3 · IC2 + = defines a non-reduced ACM gives an ideal whose quotient has Hilbert polynomial 168t − 1728
ทางเข้าlucky168th G1G2 ···GL = X1X2 ···XL = X ′ 1 X ′ 2 ···X ′ L = η = 1 T -C Huang, Y -H Lin and S Seifnashri, Construction of two
g1g2 − 15g2 2 Imposing that Λ d dΛ µ = 0 and Λ d dΛ ∆ = 0 T Sun, H Guo, and M Grant, Dynamics of driven