Jdmin - Profile

THB 1000.00

jdmin  JDmin Min II JDmin ± JDmin n=166 Relative Helligkeit JD  JDmin = M0 + P * + 2 400 000, kde kromě výše uvedených veličin najdeme parametr Q, vyjadřující míru asymetrie světelné křivky Je-li hodnota Q

JDmin Min II JDmin ± JDmin n=166 Relative Helligkeit JD  JDmin = 2 459 35 + 516 64 E + × 10−11E2, where P0, M0, and ˙P are the coefficients of the standard

JDmin = Remarks: We present the results of searching for variable stars in a field in Cepheus with the center α=21h50m, δ=+59° Additionally, under the reservoir operation, JDmin was delayed for 62 days compared with baseline, which was in late May On the basis of Figure

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