unsloth-zoo - pypi Package Security Analysis -
THB 0.00
pypi unsloth Unsloth is free and Apache 2 open source licensed, is faster, uses 70% less VRAM, has 0% degradation in accuracy for QLoRA and
unsloth poetry run pip install unsloth @ git+unslothai The rest can be installed via poetry from PyPI [tool unsloth python unshare PyPI pip3 install unshare · Usage unshare where supported flags are CLONE_NEWNS , CLONE_NEWUTS , CLONE_NEWPID , CLONE_NEWUSER , CLONE_NEWIPC ,
pypi unsloth Unsloth is free and Apache 2 open source licensed, is faster, uses 70% less VRAM, has 0% degradation in accuracy for QLoRA and
pypi unsloth unsloth poetry run pip install unsloth @ git+unslothai The rest can be installed via poetry from PyPI [tool
unshare PyPI pip3 install unshare · Usage unshare where supported flags are CLONE_NEWNS , CLONE_NEWUTS , CLONE_NEWPID , CLONE_NEWUSER , CLONE_NEWIPC ,